
Monday, January 14, 2013

Branded (the movie)

Branded Trailer

This movie was pretty interesting. It starts off very slow and probably for the first 45 minutes I had absolutely no idea what was going on or where it was headed. But around the hour mark things start to develop. The last 30 minutes is when things start to come together and you finally figure out what is going on. It provided a unique prospective on how we view global advertising. Advertising products have changed the way we view the world. From what types of food we eat, to the types of clothes we wear, and even how we think of ourselves all of these things have been influenced by companies advertising their products. Next you're out just look at all the signs and posters or anything that is trying to sell you a product or persuade you towards their point of view. Ask yourself this how many people have been persuaded by this advertisement and who they are competing against. It's really interesting once you start to notice all the "Brands Wars" taking place.

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